Formerly known as the partnership for Children, Youth, and Families Foundation
Mary Ann was the epitome of kindness and generosity. She was our friend, colleague, and mentor -- and a shining example of selflessness and service to others. We will miss her. If you wish to donate to the Arlington Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families Foundation in memory of Mary Ann to continue her vision for Arlington – Imagine a community where all young people are valued and their voices heard -- please see below. 100% of all donations will be used to support the programs, projects, special events and other activities that Mary Ann dedicated her time and expertise to over so many years.
Thanks to the generosity of the donors below, the Foundation was able to provide the following funding:
Westover Baptist Preschool Gives Thanks to Mary Ann:
Donations can still be made by:
Sending a check made payable to ARLFFY to:
c/o John Andelin
129 North Irving Street
Arlington, VA 22201
*Please be sure to include an email address so we can send you a receipt.
Sending your donation via Venmo. The Foundation's Venmo name is: @ARLFFY
Please contact us at if you have any questions.
The Arlington Foundation for Families and Youth is a nonprofit charitable 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax deductible under the current tax laws.
Bob Moran, husband of Mary Ann, gives a check for $5,000 from the Potomac Seniors Hockey Club in Mary Ann’s memory to Foundation President, Barbara Gomez. Pictured left to right, Judy Hadden, Partnership member; Meg Tuccillo, Foundation board member; Bob Moran; Barbara Gomez; Kim DeBlauw, Partnership member and Linda Henderson, Foundation board member.